The steam version will cost 39 99 with cross play support included between all versions of the game.
Sea of thieves windows store to steam.
Moreover the steam version is included in cross play.
Again you can t get sea of thieves on steam for the price of nada if you already own it on xbox one or windows 10.
Rare is even adding.
Sea of thieves is not a free gimme on steam regardless of whether you already own the game on xbox one or windows 10.
Many players are curious whether they can transfer sea of thieves to steam and we ll take a look at how you can add or link sea of thieves to steam below.
In this guide i will explain how to add and invite your friends on steam and microsoft store.
Sea of thieves still requires windows 10 to play even on steam.
You must pay 34 99 in order to get.
Sea of thieves is available on steam now.
It s also confirmed that sea of thieves will be available in all regions and countries where steam is available.
So we can play together with our friends on xbox one and windows 10 platforms.
Sea of thieves have announced that players on xbox one and windows 10 will not receive an entitlement to a free steam copy.
Sea of thieves steam price the price for sea of thieves on steam is 34 99.